Tuesday, October 31, 2006

System-independent audio-player for Unix. GPL

Bezpłatne programy, darmowe, za darmo, gratis - wyszukiwanie i nowości.: "
Amarok 1.4.4 (Default branch)
Amarok is a sound system-independent audio-player for Unix. Its interface uses a powerful "browser" metaphor that allows you to create playlists that make the most of your music collection."

KDE database-frontend for DBase, Firebird, MS Access, MySQL, Paradox, PostgreSQL, SQLite, and ODBC. GPL

Bezpłatne programy, darmowe, za darmo, gratis - wyszukiwanie i nowości.: "
knoda 0.8.2 (Default branch)
Knoda is a KDE database-frontend for DBase, Firebird, MS Access, MySQL, Paradox, PostgreSQL, SQLite, and ODBC. Besides tables, views, and queries, it also handles forms and reports, which are scriptable via Python."

Goodies for Linux

Kexi 1.1 [projekty]
Kexi, desktopowa baza danych, konkurująca z MS Access to kolejna aplikacja w KOffice, która jest jedną z najlepszych w swoim rodzaju. Od wersji 1.0 (KOffice 1.5) program otrzymał ponad 270 ulepszeń. W tym wydaniu Kexi oferuje takie możliwości jak możliwość obsługi grafiki, defragmentacji bazy danych, automatycznego rozpoznawania typu wprowadzanych informacji i narzędzia do skryptów napisanych w różnych językach programowania. Inne części programu zostały rozszerzone o nowe możliwości, powiększono też łatwość obsługi.

Monday, October 30, 2006

Turns a PC with a TV capture card and/or TV-out into a standalone multimedia jukebox/VCR/PVR/HTPC/DVR/set-top box. GPL

Bezpłatne programy, darmowe, za darmo, gratis - wyszukiwanie i nowości.: "
Freevo 1.6.0 (Default branch)
Freevo is a Linux application that turns a PC with a TV capture card and/or TV-out into a standalone multimedia jukebox/VCR/PVR/HTPC/DVR/set-top box. It uses MPlayer and other applications to play and record audio and video. It is optimized for use with a TV and remote, but can be used with a monitor and keyboard."

Retrieve any kind of system information. GPL

Bezpłatne programy, darmowe, za darmo, gratis - wyszukiwanie i nowości.: "
tracx 1.2.0 (Default branch)
tracx is an appropriate tool for system administrators who need to retrieve any kind of system information via standard Unix shell commands and store the data in an XML based data structure. tracx also supports a CGI mode, which enables tracx to be used for HTML page generation. To use tracx, you should be familiar with the Unix shell and with the concept of XML and general programming concepts. tracx is also a more complex programming example for the usage of the dragon parser generator."

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Edgy Eft

Ubuntu 6.10
Grupa developerów Ubuntu wydała (po czterech miesiącach od ostatniego wydania) koleją wersję - 6.10 o nazwie kodowej "Edgy Eft".

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Show the differences (user, group, mode, mtime, size) between a package's status. GPL

Bezpłatne programy, darmowe, za darmo, gratis - wyszukiwanie i nowości.: "rpmrestore 0.3 (Default branch)
Rpmrestore allows the user to show the differences (user, group, mode, mtime, size) between a package's status on install and its current status. This act as an improvement of the functionality provied by the 'rpm -V' command. It also allows the user to restore the attributes to their original state (install state). It features a batch mode, an interactive mode, a logfile, and rollback."

Txt2man converts flat ASCII text into the man page format

Bezpłatne programy, darmowe, za darmo, gratis - wyszukiwanie i nowości.: "t
txt2man 1.5.1 (Default branch)
Txt2man converts flat ASCII text into the man page format. This allows man pages to be authored without knowledge of nroff macros. It is a shell script that uses GNU awk, and it should run on any Unix-like system"

Wednesday, October 25, 2006


Bezpłatne programy, darmowe, za darmo, gratis - wyszukiwanie i nowości.: "
ocre 0.026 (Default branch)
OCRE is an optical character recognition (OCR) system that reads an image file and writes ASCII or Unicode characters."

Configuration of the famous Vim text editor. GPL

Bezpłatne programy, darmowe, za darmo, gratis - wyszukiwanie i nowości.: "
Cream for Vim 0.37 (Default branch)
Cream is a configuration of the famous Vim text editor that makes it easier to use, like an Apple- or Windows-style text editor. It uses Vim's own extensibility to improve menus, keyboard shortcuts, and editing behavior. Cream seamlessly maintains Vim's insertmode to access all the power of the original Vim plus many custom Cream extensions."

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Movie and animation player. GPL

Bezpłatne programy, darmowe, za darmo, gratis - wyszukiwanie i nowości.: "
MPlayer 1.0rc1 (Default branch)
MPlayer is a movie and animation player that supports a wide range of codecs and file formats, including MPEG 1/2/4, DivX 3/4/5, Windows Media 7/8/9, RealAudio/Video up to 9, Quicktime 5/6, and Vivo 1/2. It has many MMX/SSE(2)/3Dnow(Ex) optimized native audio and video codecs, but allows using XAnim's and RealPlayer's binary codec plugins, and Win32 codec DLLs. It has basic VCD/DVD playback functionality, including DVD subtitles, but supports many text-based subtitle formats too. For video output, nearly every existing interface is supported. It's also able to convert any supported files to raw/divx/mpeg4 AVI (pcm/mp3 audio), and even video grabbing from V4L devices."

Backup/restore tool for Linux machines. GPL

Bezpłatne programy, darmowe, za darmo, gratis - wyszukiwanie i nowości.: "
FSVS 1.0.14 (Default branch)
FSVS stands for "Fast System VerSioning", "File System VerSioning", or "Full System VerSioning". It aims to become a complete backup/restore tool for Linux machines, using a Subversion repository as the backend."

Tool for system administrators. GPL

Bezpłatne programy, darmowe, za darmo, gratis - wyszukiwanie i nowości.: "
tracx 1.1.21 (Default branch)
tracx is an appropriate tool for system administrators who need to retrieve any kind of system information via standard Unix shell commands and store the data in an XML based data structure. tracx also supports a CGI mode, which enables tracx to be used for HTML page generation. To use tracx, you should be familiar with the Unix shell and with the concept of XML and general programming concepts. tracx is also a more complex programming example for the usage of the dragon parser generator."

Monday, October 23, 2006

Bezpłatne programy, darmowe, za darmo, gratis - wyszukiwanie i nowości.

Bezpłatne programy, darmowe, za darmo, gratis - wyszukiwanie i nowości.: "
WebIssues 0.8.1 (Client branch)
WebIssues is a system that supports team collaboration across the Internet. It can be used for storing bugs and other information with customizable attributes, comments, and file attachments. The server can be installed on any host with PHP and MySQL or PostgreSQL. The client is a KDE application which is faster and more comfortable than Web-based interfaces."

Free, build system which helps you install KDE releases and applications on your system

Bezpłatne programy, darmowe, za darmo, gratis - wyszukiwanie i nowości.: "
Konstruct 20061022 (Default branch)
Konstruct is a build system which helps you install KDE releases and applications on your system. It downloads defined source tarballs, checks their integrity, decompresses, patches, configures, builds, and installs them. A complete KDE installation should be as easy as "cd meta/kde; make install". Optionally, you can install additional applications like KOffice or KDevelop (for example, "cd apps/office/koffice; make install")."

KDE 3.5.5 GPL

Bezpłatne programy, darmowe, za darmo, gratis - wyszukiwanie i nowości.: "
KDE 3.5.5 (Default branch)
KDE is a powerful graphical desktop environment for Unix workstations. It combines ease of use, contemporary functionality and outstanding graphical design with the technological superiority of the Unix operating system. KDE is a completely new desktop, incorporating a large suite of applications for Unix workstations. While KDE includes a window manager, file manager, panel, control center and many other components that one would expect to be part of a contemporary desktop environment, the true strength of this exceptional environment lies in the interoperability of its components."

Saturday, October 21, 2006

GTK/GNOME desktop news aggregator

Bezpłatne programy, darmowe, za darmo, gratis - wyszukiwanie i nowości.: "
Liferea 1.1.7 (Unstable branch)
Liferea (Linux Feed Reader) is a fast, easy-to-use, and easy-to-install GTK/GNOME desktop news aggregator for online news feeds and Web logs. It supports the important syndication formats (Atom, RSS, and OPML). Liferea supports offline reading."

Friday, October 20, 2006

Removable storage manager. GPL

Bezpłatne programy, darmowe, za darmo, gratis - wyszukiwanie i nowości.: "
driveplugger 10-19-2006 (Default branch)
driveplugger is a removable storage manager that safely puts control into the hands of the user. It makes devices such as USB drives, CDROMs, or any other removable media easy to use. The user can assign names to devices. Browsing, ejection, and other operations can be done through a tray icon."

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Diskless Remote Boot in Linux (DRBL). GPL

Bezpłatne programy, darmowe, za darmo, gratis - wyszukiwanie i nowości.: "
DRBL 1.7.6-4 (Testing branch)
Diskless Remote Boot in Linux (DRBL) provides a diskless or systemless environment for client machines. It works on Debian, Mandriva, Red Hat, Fedora, and SuSE. Unlike LTSP, it uses distributed hardware resources and makes it possible for clients to fully access local hardware. It also includes Clonezilla, a partitioning and disk cloning utility similar to Symantec Ghost."

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

KOffice 1.6

KDE wydało nową wersję darmowego pakietu biurowego
16 października projekt KDE ogłasza wydanie KOffice 1.6, długo oczekiwanej wersji z wieloma usprawnieniami w całym pakiecie.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

KDE 3.5.5

KDE 3.5.5 wydane
Deweloperzy KDE, zgodnie z zapowiedzią, wypuścili w świat kolejną wersję ich dziecka - 3.5.5. Jest to stabilna wersja z gałęzi 3.5, ostatniej przed ukazaniem się wersji 4.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Graphical equivalent of find + grep. LGPL

Bezpłatne programy, darmowe, za darmo, gratis - wyszukiwanie i nowości.: "
searchMonkey 0.6.3 (Default branch)
searchMonkey provides powerful text searches on Linux using regular expressions for both the file name and the search text. It is the graphical equivalent of find + grep."

Bieżące ogłoszenia

SLED 10 w audycji ,,Trącić myszką
W kolejnej audycji Magazynu komputerowego Trącić myszką 9 października 2006 o godzinie 23:05 tematem będzie premiera dystrybucji Suse Linux Enterprise Desktop 10 firmy Novell. Będzie można się z niej dowiedzieć jakie nowości zawiera SLED 10 i czy będzie mocnym konkurentem dla Windows Vista, oraz jak wygląda nowy interfejs 3D oparty na XGL. Ekspertami będą pan Dariusz Leonarski i Jan Raczyński z firmy Novell Polska. Zapraszamy. ( Podcast Trącić myszką )
Internetowe Mistrzostwa Polski w Programowaniu
Firma SAFO kolejny raz organizuje zawody programistyczne. Internetowe Mistrzostwa Polski w Programowaniu rozpoczną się 16 października 2006 (poniedziałek). Rozwiązania zadań w postaci krótkich programów C/C++/Pascal w trakcie trwania konkursu będzie można wysyłać przez internet. Na najlepszych czekają atrakcyjne nagrody: * 3 notebooki * 2 komputery kieszonkowe * aparat cyfrowy * drukarka fotograficzna * kamera internetowa, pendrive'y, koszulki Szczegółowe informacje znajdują się na stronie konkursu: http://opss.safo.biz

Friday, October 06, 2006

Creating database schemas and inserting, querying, and processing data. GPL

Bezpłatne programy, darmowe, za darmo, gratis - wyszukiwanie i nowości.: "
Kexi 1.1 RC1 (Development branch)
Kexi is an integrated environment for managing data. It helps with creating database schemas and inserting, querying, and processing data. It integrates smoothly into KDE and KOffice, and is designed to compete with Microsoft Access. It is supported under Linux and MS Windows."

It monitors CPU usage, load average, memory usage, etc. GPL

Bezpłatne programy, darmowe, za darmo, gratis - wyszukiwanie i nowości.: "
StatsDawg 0.80 (Default branch)
StatsDawg is a suite that has been designed to be easily usable as well as configurable. It monitors various aspects of a Linux system such as CPU usage, load average, memory usage, etc. using RRDTool and PHP."


Bezpłatne programy, darmowe, za darmo, gratis - wyszukiwanie i nowości.: "
LinuxBIOS 2-2445 (Default branch)
LinuxBIOS is a project that aims to replace the normal BIOS with a little bit of hardware initialization and a compressed Linux kernel that can be booted from a cold start."

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Interactive process viewer for Linux. GPL

Bezpłatne programy, darmowe, za darmo, gratis - wyszukiwanie i nowości.: "
htop 0.6.4 (Default branch)
htop is an interactive process viewer for Linux. It aims to be a 'better top': you can scroll the process list vertically and horizontally, and select a process to be killed with the arrow keys instead of by typing its process id. It requires ncurses, and was tested with Linux 2.4 and 2.6."

KDE video recorder. GPL

Bezpłatne programy, darmowe, za darmo, gratis - wyszukiwanie i nowości.: "
Kalva 0.8.81 (Default branch)
Kalva is a KDE video recorder that is simple to use and easy to setup. You can use it to schedule a single movie recording by choosing the date from a calendar. A serial recording may be scheduled by choosing the days of the week. You can store recording options in various profiles for different hardware and quality levels. Kalva can import channellists from programs like xawtv or xawtv4, and can generate a new one using scantv."

Mandriva Linux 2007

Linuksowe komórki od D-Linka
D-Link zapowiedział wypuszczenie w pierwszym kwartale 2007 roku komórek opartych na systemie Linux. Komórki z serii V-CLICK, mają mieć możliwość przełączania się jednym przyciskiem pomiędzy sieciami komórkowymi a WiFi.
Mandriva Linux 2007
Po niecałym miesiącu od wersji RC1 ukazała się wersja finalna Mandrivy - 2007 . Nowa wersja zawiera między innymi Gnome 2.16, KDE 3.5.4, desktop 3D (AIGLX i Xgl), Cedegę , nowego RPMDrake'a oraz nowy temat graficzny "Ia Ora". Komercyjne wersje dostepne są jak zwykle w wersjach Discovery, Powerpack i Powerpack+. Więcej na stronie Mandrivy .

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Inauguracja szkoleń SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10

Compendium CE: inauguracja szkoleń SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10
Compendium CE wprowadziło do oferty nowe szkolenia z zakresu SUSE Linux. Najnowsze kursy oparte są na nowym systemie operacyjnym dla serwerów SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 (SLES10).

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Captures audio and video data from a Linux desktop session. GPL

Bezpłatne programy, darmowe, za darmo, gratis - wyszukiwanie i nowości.: "
recordMyDesktop 0.2.6 (Default branch)
recordMyDesktop is a program that captures audio and video data from a Linux desktop session, producing an Ogg-encapsulated Theora-Vorbis file. The main goal is to be as unobstrusive as possible by proccessing only regions of the screen that have changed."