Monday, December 31, 2007

GTK+2-based editor with many useful features for HTM editingL GPL Project details for TEA: "It features a small footprint, a tabbed layout engine, support for multiple encodings, code snippets, templates, customizable hotkeys, an 'open at cursor' function for HTML files and images, miscellaneous HTML tools, preview in external browser, string manipulation functions, SRT subtitles editing, Morse-code tools, bookmarks, syntax highlighting, and drag-and-drop support"

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Video effects, editing, conversion, and playback system. GPL

LiVES uses commonly available tools (Mplayer, ImageMagick, and GTK+), so it works on most Unix-like systems. It runs under Linux, BSD, Mac OS X/Darwin, IRIX, and openMosix. It can handle almost all types of video, and is fully extendable through plugins and the included plugin builder tool. It can also be controlled remotely using OSC.

Open Movie Editor.GPL "The Open Movie Editor is designed to be a simple tool that provides basic movie making capabilities. It aims to be powerful enough for the amateur movie artist, yet easy to use. It is a non-linear video editor that features several video and audio tracks where clips can be manipulated using the mouse."

Framework is an MVC framework for PHP with a built-in templating engine. GPL

Mac's PHP MVC Framework 0.5.1
It comes with an integrated, AJAX-driven, flat file CMS solution. It was made with future extendability in mind. It is easy to install, easy to use, and has a very short learning curve. It also comes bundled with many PHP and JavaScript libraries. The framework generates SEF (search engine friendly) URLs right out of the box.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Neutralność technologiczna iTVP

List otwarty w sprawie neutralności technologicznej iTVP
Serwis rozpoczął zbieranie podpisów pod listem otwartym do członków Krajowej Rady Radiofonii i Telewizji, sejmowej Komisji Kultury i Środków Przekazu oraz Zarządu i Rady Nadzorczej Telewizji Polskiej o zapewnienie neutralności technologicznej projektu Telewizji Interaktywnej (iTVP). W obecnej sytuacji iTVP wymaga od nas korzystania z oprogramowania jednego producenta, co jest sprzeczne z podstawowymi zasadami państwa prawa. Zachęcamy gorąco wszystkich Czytelników do podpisania się pod apelem:

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

SUSE 11.0 Alpha0

openSUSE 11.0 Alpha0
Ukazała się pierwsza wstępna wersja Alpha0 dystrybucji openSUSE 11.0 - tym samym oficjalnie rozpoczęte zostały prace nad tym wydaniem.Zmian w stosunku do wersji 10.3 jest sporo, znajdziemy między innymi: GCC 4.3.0, jądro 2.6.24-rc4, X.Org 7.3, KDE 3.5.8 i 4.0 RC1, CUPS 1.3.4, ALSA 1.0.15, GIMP 2.4 i YaST 2.16. Akrualne obrazy ISO znajdziemy pod adresem:

Monday, December 03, 2007

The streaming solution

VideoLAN - The streaming solution: "includes two programs: * VLC media player which can be used as a server and as a client to stream and receive network streams. VLC is able to stream all that it can read. * VLS (VideoLAN Server), which can stream MPEG-1, MPEG-2 and MPEG-4 files, DVDs, digital satellite channels, digital terrestial television channels and live videos on the network in unicast or multicast. Most of the VLS functionality can now be found VLC. Usage of VLC instead of VLS is advised. Complete details of the streaming features are available."

Vamos project allows computers to run software directly from the network, without installations. GPL "The software is stored on servers and is centrally maintained without the user's effort or attention. The user just needs to run applications, and the necessary bits are streamed automatically to its computer. The execution of the software is local, allowing high responsiveness and distributed computational load."

Friday, November 30, 2007

Novell udostępnia SUSE Linux Enterprise Real Time 10
Novell poinformował o udostępnieniu najnowszej wersji systemu operacyjnego czasu rzeczywistego SUSE Linux Enterprise Real Time 10. Jest on przygotowany specjalnie dla użytkowników biznesowych i służy do wydajnej obsługi newralgicznych aplikacji, w działaniu których opóźnienia są szczególnie niepożądane. Przykładowo organizacje finansowe dzięki SUSE Linux Enterprise Real Time 10 mogą błyskawicznie reagować na zmiany rynkowe i pojawiające się nowe informacje, mają zapewnioną większą niezawodność i przewidywalność działania wykorzystywanych aplikacji oraz mogą szybko wykrywać i eliminować problemy ograniczające wydajność. Wszystko to przekłada się na zwiększenie przychodów i usprawnienie obsługi klientów, a zastosowanie platformy linuksowej oznacza istotne obniżenie kosztów budowy i utrzymania infrastruktury informatycznej.
Nowy serwis i blog o multimediach w Linuksie
Witryna Dźwięk i muzyka w Linuksie ma od dzisiaj swoją anglojęzyczną wersję. Pod adresem można znaleźć informacje o ponad stu programach muzycznych dla Linuksa, zrzuty ekranowe aplikacji audio (ponad 400 obrazków) oraz linki do ponad 150 stron dotyczących wykorzystania Wolnego Oprogramowania w pracy z dźwiękiem.
Petycja w sprawie przeniesienia prac nad opiniowaniem OOXML do KT170 w PKN
Fundacja Wolnego i Otwartego Oprogramowania ogłosiła dostępność serwisu " OOXML - poznaj fakty ". Zawiera on informacje dotyczące formatu DIS 29500 (znanego szerzej jako Microsoft Office Open XML) i problemów związanych z procesem jego standaryzacji.
Szkolenia Novella dofinansowywane w ramach EFS
Firmy Altkom Akademia S.A. oraz Novell Polska poinformowały o możliwości korzystania z autoryzowanych szkoleń firmy Novell na atrakcyjnych warunkach do czerwca 2008 roku. Dofinansowanie szkoleń sięga nawet 80 procent i jest możliwe dzięki przyznaniu firmie Altkom Akademia dodatkowych środków na projekt "Program Wspierania Wykorzystania Narzędzi i Metodyk Informatycznych w Przedsiębiorstwach".

Small linux system for the purpose of system booting or repairing. GPL

RIP 4.0 download: "RIP - Updated by FastRunneron Monday, November 26th 2007. Small linux system for the purpose of system booting or repairing, a boot/rescue system. You can put this system on a 1.44mb formatted floppy or cdrom disk, it will probably also boot from a LS-120 drive with a 1.44mb floppy. It's more or less designed for non-networked stand-alone home pc hard drive boot / rescue / backup! It has large filesystem support, you can use the programs dd, mke2fs, mkdosfs, mkreiserfs, split, mount, tar, gzip, and bzip2 with files bigger than 2GB. It includes the partition resizing program parted and the mc file manager!."

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

CDfs is a file system for Linux systems that `exports' all tracks and boot images on a CD as normal files. GPL

CDfs 2.6.23
These files can then be mounted (e.g. for ISO and boot images), copied, played (audio tracks), etc. The primary goal for developing this file system was to `unlock' information in old ISO sessions. The file system also allows you to access data on faulty multi session disks, e.g. disks with multiple single sessions instead of a multi session.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Zero Install Injector. LGPL "The Zero Install Injector makes it possible for users to install software easily and without the need for root privileges. It takes the URL of a program's interface description and chooses suitable versions of the program and all of its dependencies (also identified by URLs) according to the user's policy settings (eg. 'stable', 'testing', 'minimal network use', etc). The chosen versions are downloaded and cached and the program is run, using environment variables to let it find the components."

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Linuksowe nowiny

Jest popyt na tanie komputery z Linuksem
W przeciągu niecałych dwóch tygodni sieć Wal-Mart sprzedała wszystkie komputery Everex TC2502 gPC z preinstalowanym Linuksem Ubuntu. Na niewiarygodną popularność komputera zapewne wpłynęła w dużym stopniu cena - 199 USD (ok. 490 PLN). Skrót parametrów technicznych "zielonego" komputera: 1.5GHz VIA C7 CPU wbudowanego w płytę Mini-ITX, 512MB pamięci Ram i twardy dysk 80GB.
Mocny start Fedory 8
Według statystyk , najnowszą wersję Fedory w przeciągu pierwszych czterech dni od wydania zainstalowało na tę chwilę prawie 58 tysięcy razy! Statystyki oparte są o unikalne adresy IP łączące się do serwera z uaktualnieniami pakietów. Obliczenie liczby pobrań obrazów ISO nowej wersji jest dużo trudniejsze, jednak przez sam protokół BitTorrent pobrano nową Fedorę ponad 52 tys. razy.
Mandriva InstallFest 2008 w Polsce
Już w tę sobotę, 17 listopada 2007 na całym świecie odbędzie się Mandriva InstallFest 2008. Polska również będzie uczestniczyć w tym wydarzeniu. Spotkania odbędą się w Brzegu Dolnym, Częstochowie, Gdańsku, Łodzi, Olsztynie i Krakowie.
TOP500 - listopad 2007
Ukazało się właśnie 30. notowanie najszybszych superkomputerów świata - TOP500 . Tradycyjnie już wśród systemów napędzających te maszyny króluje Linux, mało tego - w stosunku do notowań z listopada zeszłego roku jego udział wzrósł dokładnie o 10 procent: z 75.2% i 376 maszyn w 11.2006 do 85.2% i 426 maszyn w obecnym zestawieniu. Co ciekawe w tym notowaniu znalazła się na pozycji 428 jedna maszyna z Polski. Oczywista oczywistość - również pracuje pod Linuksem :)

Monday, November 12, 2007

TEA for Linux 17.4.0

TEA is a modest and easy-to-use GTK+2-based editor with many useful features for HTML editing. It features a small footprint, a tabbed layout engine, support for multiple encodings, code snippets, templates, customizable hotkeys, an "open at cursor" function for HTML files and images, miscellaneous HTML tools, preview in external browser, string manipulation functions, SRT subtitles editing, Morse-code tools, bookmarks, syntax highlighting, and drag-and-drop support.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Helix Player Project 1.0.9 GOLD. GPL

Helix Player Project 1.0.9 GOLD is an audio and video player based on the Helix DNA Client engine. The GTK+ version includes a Mozilla browser plug-in and supports local file playback and streaming over RTSP/RTP and HTTP. It supports video zoom in original, double size, and full screen, and supports: SMIL 2.0, Ogg Vorbis, H.263 video, JPEG, GIF, PNG, and RealPix. The Symbian Series60 version supports local and streaming playback (RTSP, RTP, RDP, HTTP) of MP3, AMR narrow band, AMR wide band, RA8, sipro, RV7, RV8, RV9, RV10, H263+, 3GPP rel5 SMIL 2.0, images, and more.

RealPlayer 10.0.9 GOLD

RealPlayer plays streaming audio and video over the Internet in real-time. It plays RealAudio, RealVideo, MP3, 3GPP Video, Flash, SMIL 2.0, JPEG, GIF, PNG, RealPix, RealText, Ogg Vorbis, and Ogg Theora. It is available for Windows, Macintosh, Pocket PC, Nokia 9200 Series, Nokia 7650, Palm OS 5-based handhelds, Linux, Solaris, and many Unix variants.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

GNU Image Manipulation Program

GIMP 2.4. is a freely distributed piece of software suitable for such tasks as photo retouching, image composition and image authoring. It can be used as a simple paint program, an expert quality photo retouching program, an online batch processing system, a mass production image renderer, a image format converter, etc.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

GTK+2-based editor with many useful features for HTML editing. GPL

TEA for Linux 17.3.5 is a modest and easy-to-use It features a small footprint, a tabbed layout engine, support for multiple encodings, code snippets, templates, customizable hotkeys, an "open at cursor" function for HTML files and images, miscellaneous HTML tools, preview in external browser, string manipulation functions, SRT subtitles editing, Morse-code tools, bookmarks, syntax highlighting, and drag-and-drop support.

Monday, October 01, 2007

OpenSUSE 10.3

OpenSUSE 10.3 dostępne!
Pomimo, iż oficjalna premiera zapowiedziana jest dopiero za kilka dni, na mirrorach pojawiły się już obrazy dystrybucji OpenSUSE 10.3.
Novell dziękuje Microsoftowi
Według Steve'a Harrisa, starszego kierownika ds. sprzedaży w Novellu, umowa z Microsoftem przyniosła firmie duże finansowe korzyści.

Friday, September 14, 2007

PC boot loader which can analyze your filesystems. GPL

Gujin 2.2 finds the Linux kernel images available, as well as other bootable partitions (for *BSD, MS-DOS, Windows, etc.), and displays a graphical menu for selecting which system to boot. Because it understands the structure of Linux kernel images, Gujin does not need LILO and can even load ELF kernels. There is no need to execute anything after making a new kernel: just copy the kernel image file into the "/boot" directory. Gujin is written almost entirely in C with GCC, and it fully executes in real mode to be as compatible as possible.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Linux Multimedia System. GPL "JoyWM is a multimedia GUI written in Python/Pygame. It provides an easy-to-use GUI for tasks such as listening to music, watching movies, viewing pictures, and playing some games. It is appropriate for use on a TV and can be controlled with a joystick (or a keyboard if no joystick is present)."

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Video effects, editing, conversion, and playback system. GPL

LiVES uses commonly available tools (Mplayer, ImageMagick, and GTK+), so it works on most Unix-like systems. It runs under Linux, BSD, Mac OS X/Darwin, IRIX, and openMosix. It can handle almost all types of video, and is fully extendable through plugins and the included plugin builder tool. It can also be controlled remotely using OSC.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Office suite based on the KDE libraries. GPL

KOffice 1.6.3 currently includes KWord, KSpread, KPresenter, KChart, Karbon14, Krita, Kexi, KFormula, Kugar, and Kivio. There are no special mail and news clients included in KOffice, because there are KMail and KNode available for KDE anyway. All KOffice components work together, and you can embed every KOffice component into any other KOffice component. This is realized using the KParts object model.

GUI CD image editor. GPL

ISO Master 1.0
Basically, you can use this program to extract files from an ISO, add files to an ISO, and create bootable ISOs, all in a graphical user interface. It can open both ISO and NRG files, but can only save as ISO. It is based on bkisofs, a library for reading, modifying, and writing ISO images.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Debugging utility for Linux. GPL

scanmem 0.07 is a simple interactive debugging utility for Linux that can be used to locate the address of a variable in an executing program. scanmem can then be used to modify the variable once, or continually over a period of time. It is similar to the "pokefinders" used to cheat at video games.

Logging framework for shell scripts. LGPL

log4sh 1.4.2 can make the task of adding advanced logging to a shell script easier, and has much more power than just using simple "echo" commands throughout. In addition, it can be configured from a properties file so that scripts in a production environment do not need to be altered to change the amount of logging they produce.

Monday, June 04, 2007

"Internet TV" application for KDE. GPL

KatchTV 0.91 makes it easy to subscribe to "TV" channels from all over the Internet in the form of podcasts, so that you can browse channels, download shows, and watch them, all from one convenient interface. It is very similar to Democracy TV, but focuses on KDE integration, using KHTMLPart and embedded players such as kaffeine. It's much faster and lighter on resources if you run a KDE desktop without GTK apps. Installation is easy as long as your distribution has PyKDE and PyQt.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Flat file extractor. GPL

Flat File Extractor 0.2.2 can be used for reading different flat file structures and displaying them in different formats. It is a command line tool developed under GNU/Linux. The main areas of use are; extracting particular fields or records from a flat file; converting data from one format to an other, e.g. from CSV to fixed length; verifying a flat file structure; as a testing tool for flat file development; and displaying flat file content in human readable form.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Audio player designed for GNU/Linux. GPL

Decibel Audio Player 0.02 is a GTK+ audio player designed for GNU/Linux. It aims at being very straightforward to use by means of a very clean and user-friendly interface. It aims also at being a real audio player and, as such, it does not include features that are not meant to be part of an audio player.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

BusyBox combines tiny versions of many common UNIX utilities into a single small executable. GPL

BusyBox 1.5.1 provides minimalist replacements for most of the utilities you usually find in GNU fileutils, shellutils, etc. The utilities in BusyBox generally have fewer options than their full-featured GNU cousins; however, the options that are included provide the expected functionality and behave very much like their GNU counterparts. BusyBox provides a fairly complete POSIX environment for any small or embedded system.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Tool for statistical analysis of daemons' log files. GPL

Free-SA 1.3.2b3 is tool for statistical analysis of daemons' log files, similar to SARG. Its main advantages over SARG are much better speed (7x-20x), more support for reports, and W3C compliance of generated HTML/CSS reports. It can be used to help control traffic usage, to control Internet access security policies, to investigate security incidents, to evaluate server efficiency, and to detect troubles with configuration.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

GTK+2-based editor with many useful features for HTML editing. GPL

TEA for Linux 16.1.1 is a modest and easy-to-use GTK+2-based editor with many useful features for HTML editing. It features a small footprint, a tabbed layout engine, support for multiple encodings, code snippets, templates, customizable hotkeys, an "open at cursor" function for HTML files and images, miscellaneous HTML tools, preview in external browser, string manipulation functions, SRT subtitles editing, Morse-code tools, bookmarks, syntax highlighting, and drag-and-drop support.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Text to speech engine for good quality English and other languages. GPL "eSpeak is a compact text to speech engine for good quality English and other languages. Its clear articulation and good intonation makes it suitable for listening to long text articles. It can speak text files from the command line, and also operates as a 'talker' within the KDE TTS system and with a Gnome Speech driver, as an alternative to Festival or other similar programs. A Windows SAPI5 version is also available."

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Replacement for vmstat, iostat, netstat, nfsstat, and ifstat. GPL "dstat is a versatile replacement for vmstat, iostat, netstat, nfsstat, and ifstat. It includes various counters (in separate plugins) and allows you to select and view all of your system resources instantly; you can, for example, compare disk usage in combination with interrupts from your IDE controller, or compare the network bandwidth numbers directly with the disk throughput (in the same interval)."

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Present a variety of questions or display messages using dialog boxes from a shell script. GPL

cdialog 1.1-20070409 allows you to present a variety of questions or display messages using dialog boxes from a shell script. Several types of dialog boxes are implemented including: calendar, checklist, file-selection, gauge, info, input, menu, message, radiolist, tailbox, text, time, yes/no.

Monday, April 02, 2007

Media-driven system for easy movie and audio playback, image viewing, game playing or watching TV. GPL "My Media System is a media-driven system for easy movie and audio playback, image viewing, game playing or watching TV. It supports many common file formats, including MP3, OGG, DivX, XviD, VCD, SVCD, DVD, JPEG, PNG, and GIF. It is controlled using a remote control, USB device, or keyboard. It supports DXR3, DVB, X11, SDL, and framebuffer output."

Implementation of the Windows API on top of X and Unix. LGPL

Wine 0.9.34 is an implementation of the Windows API on top of X and Unix. It does not require Microsoft Windows, but can use native Windows DLLs if they are available. It provides both a development toolkit for porting Windows source code to Unix as well as a program loader, allowing many unmodified Windows programs to run on x86-based Unixes.

Friday, March 30, 2007

Front-end for Mplayer. GPL

SMPlayer 0.3.0 intends to be a complete front-end for Mplayer, from basic features like playing videos, DVDs, and VCDs to more advanced features like support for Mplayer filters and more. One of the main features is the ability to remember the state of a played file, so when you play it later it will resume at the same point and with the same settings. SMPlayer is developed with the Qt toolkit, so it's multi-platform. An executable for Windows is also available.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

I/O tool meant to be used both for benchmark and stress/hardware verification. GPL

fio 1.15 is an I/O tool meant to be used both for benchmark and stress/hardware verification. It has support for 9 different types of I/O engines (sync, mmap, libaio, posixaio, SG v3, splice, null, network, syslet), I/O priorities (for newer Linux kernels), rate I/O, forked or threaded jobs, and much more. It can work on block devices as well as files. fio accepts job descriptions in a simple-to-understand text format. Several example job files are included. fio displays all sorts of I/O performance information. It supports Linux, FreeBSD, and OpenSolaris.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

The sysstat package contains the sar, sadf, iostat and mpstat, commands for Linux. GPL

sysstat 7.1.3 package contains the sar, sadf, iostat and mpstat, commands for Linux. The sar command collects and reports system activity information. The sadf command may be used to display data collected by sar in various formats (XML, database-friendly, etc.). The iostat command reports CPU statistics and I/O statistics for tty devices and disks. The mpstat command reports global and per-processor statistics. The information collected by sar can be saved in a file in a binary format for future inspection. The statistics reported by sar concern I/O transfer rates, paging activity, process-related activites, interrupts, network activity, memory and swap space utilization, CPU utilization, kernel activities, and TTY statistics, among others. Both UP and SMP machines are fully supported.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

View one or multiple files like the original tail program. GPL

MultiTail 4.3.4 lets you view one or multiple files like the original tail program. The difference is that it creates multiple windows on your console (with ncurses). Merging of 2 or more log files is possible. It can also use colors while displaying the log files (through regular expressions) for faster recognition of what is important. It can also filter lines (again with regular expressions). It has interactive menus for editing given regular expressions and deleting and adding windows. One can also have windows with the output of shell scripts and other software. When viewing the output of external software, MultiTail can mimic the functionality of tools like 'watch'.

Monday, March 19, 2007

GUI CD image editor for Linux and BSD. GPL

Bezpłatne programy, darmowe, za darmo, gratis - wyszukiwanie i nowości.: "ISO Master 0.8.1 is an easy to use GUI CD image editor for Linux and BSD. Basically, you can use this program to extract files from an ISO, add files to an ISO, and create bootable ISOs, all in a graphical user interface. It can open both ISO and NRG files, but can only save as ISO. It is based on bkisofs, a library for reading, modifying, and writing ISO images."

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Video effects, editing, conversion, and playback system. GPL

LiVES is a simple to use yet powerful video effects, editing, conversion, and playback system aimed at the digital video artist and VJ. It uses commonly available tools (Mplayer, ImageMagick, and GTK+), so it should work on most Unix-like systems. It runs under Linux, BSD, Mac OS X/Darwin, IRIX, and openMosix. It works with almost all types of video, and is fully extendable through plugins and the included plugin builder tool.

Friday, March 16, 2007


Linux dla kinomanów - PC World Komputer: "Aby dostosować Linuksa do potrzeb prawdziwego kinomana, musi być on zaopatrzony we wszechstronny odtwarzacz wideo. Jednym z najpopularniejszych jest MPlayer. Jego możliwości dają mu znaczną przewagę nad większością narzędzi tego typu. Obsługuje takie formaty jak MPEG/VOB, AVI, OGG/OGM, VIVO, ASF/WMA/WMV, QT/MOV/MP4, RealMedia, Matroska, NUT, NuppelVideo, FLI, YUV4MPEG, FILM, RoQ, PVA. Daje to możliwość oglądania plików VideoCD, SVCD, DVD, 3ivx, DivX 3/4/5 i nawet WMV, który króluje w aplikacji Windows Media Player. "

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

CHM (Winhelp) files viewer written in Qt/ KDE. GPL

KchmViewer 3.0 is a CHM (Winhelp) files viewer written in Qt/ KDE. It can be build as a stand-alone Qt-based application or a KDE application. The main point is compatibility with non-English CHM files, including most international character sets. It has the features set of standard viewer: search (including non-English CHMs), bookmarking, font size changing, index/content browsing, codepage support, and more.

Monday, March 05, 2007

KDE TV guide. GPL

Maxemum TV-Guide 7.3.2 is a KDE TV guide. It features an easy-to- use user interface, quick channel(s)-only selection, descriptions, automatic hiding, favourite show highlighting, real-time updates with colour encoded time, automatic grabbing of TV listings, a popup window alerting the user when favourite show starts, execution of an external command upon user alerts, and more.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Debian is an operating system for your computer that consists only of Free Software

Debian GNU/Linux 3.1r5 (Default branch)
Debian is an operating system for your computer that consists only of Free Software. It uses the Linux kernel, and a large part of the basic tools that fill out the operating system come from GNU, which are also free. It comes with thousands of packages.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Present a variety of questions or display messages using dialog boxes from a shell script. LGPL

Bezpłatne programy, darmowe, za darmo, gratis - wyszukiwanie i nowości.: "cdialog 1.1-20070227 allows you to present a variety of questions or display messages using dialog boxes from a shell script. Several types of dialog boxes are implemented including: calendar, checklist, file-selection, gauge, info, input, menu, message, radiolist, tailbox, text, time, yes/no."

Monday, February 26, 2007

Linux application that turns a PC with a TV capture card and/or TV-out into a standalone multimedia jukebox/VCR/PVR/HTPC/DVR/set-top box. GPL

Bezpłatne programy, darmowe, za darmo, gratis - wyszukiwanie i nowości.: "Freevo 1.7.0 is a Linux application that turns a PC with a TV capture card and/or TV-out into a standalone multimedia jukebox/VCR/PVR/HTPC/DVR/set-top box. It uses MPlayer and other applications to play and record audio and video. It is optimized for use with a TV and remote, but can be used with a monitor and keyboard."

Saturday, February 24, 2007

GTK+ based CD ripper for Linux. GPL

Bezpłatne programy, darmowe, za darmo, gratis - wyszukiwanie i nowości.: "RipOff CD Ripper 0.8.2 is a GTK+ based CD ripper for Linux (and hopefully for other Unix systems once some testing and fixing have been done) that has a simple interface, CDDB lookups, and a plugin-based encoder architecture. It attempts to appeal to those users who want a non-GNOME dependent CD ripper with a simple interface, or users who just don't like the interfaces of the other GTK+ CD rippers."

Console program to allow a hosting company to delegate control of Xen instances directly to their clients. GPL

Bezpłatne programy, darmowe, za darmo, gratis - wyszukiwanie i nowości.: "xen-shell 0.9 is a simple console program to allow a hosting company to delegate control of Xen instances directly to their clients. The shell allows a user to boot, shutdown, or reimage their own personal Xen guest without giving the user general access to the Xen host system or allowing the user to touch the instances of other users."

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Test automation framework. LGPL

Bezpłatne programy, darmowe, za darmo, gratis - wyszukiwanie i nowości.: "Linux Desktop Testing Project 0.8.0 is aimed at producing a high quality test automation framework and cutting-edge tools that can be used to test the GNU desktop and improve it. It uses the "Accessibility" libraries to poke through the application's user interface. The framework also has tools to record test-cases based on user-selection on the application."

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Replace the normal BIOS with a little bit of hardware initialization. GPL

Bezpłatne programy, darmowe, za darmo, gratis - wyszukiwanie i nowości.: "LinuxBIOS 2-2556 is a project that aims to replace the normal BIOS with a little bit of hardware initialization and a compressed Linux kernel that can be booted from a cold start."

Monday, February 19, 2007

Oprogramowanie do edycji zdjęć

LightZone pod Linuksa za darmo
Firma Light Crafts wypuściła linuksową wersję swojego flagowego produktu LightZone - profesjonalnego oprogramowania do edycji zdjęć. Co ciekawe wersje dla Windows i Mac są płatne, zaś wersja dla Linuksa jest darmowa, przy czym posiada tę samą funkcjonalność. Niestety nie jest na wolnej licencji oraz nie posiada wsparcia technicznego. Program w formacie binarnym oraz więcej materiałów dotyczących LightZone znajdziemy na stronie:

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Tool for Linux to provide detailed information on the hardware configuration of the machine. GPL

Bezpłatne programy, darmowe, za darmo, gratis - wyszukiwanie i nowości.: "Hardware lister B.02.10 is a small tool for Linux to provide detailed information on the hardware configuration of the machine. It can report exact memory configuration, firmware version, mainboard configuration, CPU version and speed, cache configuration, bus speed, etc."

Monday, February 12, 2007

Integrated Development Environment for C and C++ in GNU/Linux. GPL

Bezpłatne programy, darmowe, za darmo, gratis - wyszukiwanie i nowości.: "Anjuta IDE 2.1.1 is a versatile Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for C and C++ in GNU/Linux. It has been written for GTK/GNOME, and features a number of advanced programming facilities. These include project management, application wizards, an onboard interactive debugger, and a powerful source editor with source browsing and syntax highlighting."

Thursday, February 08, 2007

User-space filesystem for Linux and FreeBSD. GPL

Bezpłatne programy, darmowe, za darmo, gratis - wyszukiwanie i nowości.: "SMBNetFS 0.3.8 is a user-space filesystem for Linux and FreeBSD that allows you browse a Samba/Microsoft network much like the network neighborhood in Microsoft Windows."

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Find "orphaned" RPM packages on your system. GPL

Bezpłatne programy, darmowe, za darmo, gratis - wyszukiwanie i nowości.: "rpm orphan 0.2 finds "orphaned" RPM packages on your system. It determines which packages have no other packages depending on their installation, and shows you a list of these packages. It is a clone of the deborphan program from Debian, but for RPM packages."

Monday, January 29, 2007

Real-time filesystem monitoring program. GPL

Bezpłatne programy, darmowe, za darmo, gratis - wyszukiwanie i nowości.: "iWatch 0.2.0 is a real-time filesystem monitoring program. It is a tool for detecting any changes on your filesystem and reporting it to the system administrator immediately. It uses a simple configuration file in XML format and is based on inotify, a file change notification system in the Linux kernel."

Saturday, January 27, 2007

3D modeling, animation, and rendering system for GNU/Linux & Win32. GPL

Bezpłatne programy, darmowe, za darmo, gratis - wyszukiwanie i nowości.: "K-3D (Default branch) is a 3D modeling, animation, and rendering system for GNU/Linux & Win32. Features include creation and editing of geometry in multiple realtime OpenGL solid, shaded, and texture-mapped views; unlimited undos and redos; complete extensibility at runtime through third-party plugins; animated procedural geometric effects; all parameters animatable through a consistent control-spline based interface; rendering pipeline to Renderman Interface compliant rendering engines; optimization for use with the Aqsis rendering engine, which features solid modelling, true displacement, and user programmable shaders; and support for background and batch rendering."

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Recover the contents of Ext2/Ext3 partitions from Windows OS

New Releases of Computer Software, Games, Tools and Utilities at "DiskInternals Linux Recovery 1.0 will help you to recover the contents of Ext2/Ext3 partitions from Windows OS. Recover damaged or erased data, create virtual partitions, restore partition tables and use other features. The utility is absolutely free!"

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

GUI CD image editor for Linux and BSD. GPL

Bezpłatne programy, darmowe, za darmo, gratis - wyszukiwanie i nowości.: "ISO Master 0.7 is an easy to use GUI CD image editor for Linux and BSD. Basically, you can use this program to extract files from an ISO, add files to an ISO, and create bootable ISOs, all in a graphical user interface. It can open both ISO and NRG files, but can only save as ISO. It is based on bkisofs, a library for reading, modifying, and writing ISO images."

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Graphical front-end to Linux compilers such as gcc. GPL

Bezpłatne programy, darmowe, za darmo, gratis - wyszukiwanie i nowości.: "OpenLDev 1.0rc1 (Default branch) is a development environment that provides a graphical front-end to Linux compilers such as gcc. It includes the basic essentials needed by a Linux programmer. It is a graphical interface to the collection of command line programming tools available for Linux and Unix systems."

Monday, January 15, 2007

MPEG audio player for Unix. LGPL

Bezpłatne programy, darmowe, za darmo, gratis - wyszukiwanie i nowości.: "mpg123 0.63 is a fast, free and portable MPEG audio player for Unix. It supports MPEG 1.0/2.0/2.5 layers 1, 2 and 3. For full CD quality playback (44 kHz, 16 bit, stereo) a Pentium, SPARCstation10, DEC Alpha or similar CPU is required. Mono and/or reduced quality playback (22 kHz or 11 kHz) is even possible on 486 CPUs."

Retrieve any kind of system information via standard Unix shell commands and store the data in an XML based data structure. GPL

Bezpłatne programy, darmowe, za darmo, gratis - wyszukiwanie i nowości.: "tracx 1.3.1is an appropriate tool for system administrators who need to retrieve any kind of system information via standard Unix shell commands and store the data in an XML based data structure. tracx also supports a CGI mode, which enables tracx to be used for HTML page generation. To use tracx, you should be familiar with the Unix shell and with the concept of XML and general programming concepts. tracx is also a more complex programming example for the usage of the dragon parser generator."

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Package for creating, destroying, resizing, checking, and copying partitions and the file systems on them. GPL

Bezpłatne programy, darmowe, za darmo, gratis - wyszukiwanie i nowości.: "GNU Parted is a package for creating, destroying, resizing, checking, and copying partitions and the file systems on them. This is useful for creating space for new operating systems, reorganizing disk usage, copying data between hard disks, and disk imaging. It contains a library, libparted, and a command-line frontend, parted, which also serves as a sample implementation and script backend."

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Packager similar to dpk. GPL

Bezpłatne programy, darmowe, za darmo, gratis - wyszukiwanie i nowości.: "W-Packager 0.4 is a packager similar to dpkg that can be used by anyone to create and maintain Debian packages under Linux or other Unix systems. The aim of the project is primarily to have a workable version of a packager that can be compiled on many systems, including those that do not support fork(). At this time, W-Packager is used within UniGW. It can also be used under Linux."

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Show the differences (user, group, mode, mtime, size) between a package's status on install and its current status. GPL

Bezpłatne programy, darmowe, za darmo, gratis - wyszukiwanie i nowości.: "rpmrestore 1.1 (Default branch) allows the user to show the differences (user, group, mode, mtime, size) between a package's status on install and its current status. This act as an improvement of the functionality provied by the "rpm -V" command. It also allows the user to restore the attributes to their original state (install state). It features a batch mode, an interactive mode, a logfile, and rollback."

Monday, January 08, 2007

Tool for indexing, searching, and viewing images and videos. GPL

Bezpłatne programy, darmowe, za darmo, gratis - wyszukiwanie i nowości.: "
KPhotoAlbum 3.0 (Default branch) (formerly known as KimDaBa, KDE Image Database) is a tool for indexing, searching, and viewing images and videos. The indexing is done by telling KPhotoAlbum who is on the images, where the images were taken, and (optionally) adding descriptions. It is highly optimized for easy indexing of images, so that it is possible to use it with thousands of images. It also allows you to browse your images easily, based on the properties (person, location, keywords) you specified when indexing."

Friday, January 05, 2007

GTK+2-based editor with many useful features for HTML editing. LGPL

Bezpłatne programy, darmowe, za darmo, gratis - wyszukiwanie i nowości.: "
TEA for Linux 15.0.1 is a modest and easy-to-use GTK+2-based editor with many useful features for HTML editing. It features a small footprint, a tabbed layout engine, support for multiple encodings, code snippets, templates, customizable hotkeys, an "open at cursor" function for HTML files and images, miscellaneous HTML tools, preview in external browser, string manipulation functions, SRT subtitles editing, Morse-code tools, bookmarks, syntax highlighting, and drag-and-drop support."

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Bash utilities that enable various file renaming actions. GPL

Bezpłatne programy, darmowe, za darmo, gratis - wyszukiwanie i nowości.: "
File rename utils 1.7 are powerful bash utilities that enable various file renaming actions. These include upper and lowercase conversions and renaming files numerically or by character substitutions. Other programs include a KDE-compatible trash can, a swap utility, and renaming of HTML file and directory pairs. Man page documentation is provided."

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Endian Firewall. GPL

Bezpłatne programy, darmowe, za darmo, gratis - wyszukiwanie i nowości.: "
Endian Firewall 2.1 (Default branch)
Endian Firewall is a "turn-key" Linux security distribution that turns any system into a full-featured security appliance. It features a stateful packet inspection firewall, application-level proxies for various protocols (HTTP, POP3, SMTP), anti-virus support, virus and spam filtering for email traffic (POP and SMTP), content filtering of Web traffic, and a "hassle free" VPN system based on OpenVPN."

Logging framework for shell scripts. LGPL

Bezpłatne programy, darmowe, za darmo, gratis - wyszukiwanie i nowości.: "
log4sh 1.3.7 is a logging framework for shell scripts that works similar to the other wonderful logging products available from the Apache Software Foundataion (eg. log4j, log4perl). Although not as powerful as the others, it can make the task of adding advanced logging to shell scripts easier, and has much more power than just using simple "echo" commands throughout. In addition, it can be configured from a properties file so that scripts in a production environment do not need to be altered to change the amount of logging they produce."

File recovery tool for Ext2/Ext3 filesystems. GPL

Bezpłatne programy, darmowe, za darmo, gratis - wyszukiwanie i nowości.: "
gET iT i sAY 4 is a file recovery tool for Ext2/Ext3 filesystems. It allows users to recover all deleted files, recover files owned by a specific user, dump data from old file locations, and recover files of a specific type, such as text or MP3."